Ladies - if you wish to come along as part of a couple - that's fine. However, we do need to know
to what extent your partner wishes to be involved. In our experience, there are three

For us, this is the least liked choice! When you are working solo, new girls tend to glance over to
their partner for support, encouragement etc. This does not look good on video! When working
with others, they may not want to be watched. Please discuss this with us.

We have two choices here - our blowjob scenes are always shot in close-up on the girls face, so only
his willy is on camera. Secondly, we have a project featuring girl / girl action where the guy
can watch - but only if he is hooded, shackled and exposed! More details on request.

Much our prefered option! However, we will need to see him in action with you before he is "let loose"
with any other girls!